Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hearing LOVE

I welcome you to my blog as I share with you my greatest love and reality the Lord Jesus Christ. I just want you to know that He is real!

We think we know what real love is in this earth, but we don't. We have no idea. The pure love that Christ has for us. He gave EVERYTHING for us. He came here for us, He lived His entire lifetime as a man with all the emotions, feelings, cares and concerns as we do. But, because of who He is He was able to walk the steps that He and the Father had planned. He never faltered nor failed.

He came here to lay down His life for each one of us. That is pure and true love.

I invite you to listen to my first audio below. It is my own precious small taste of the Lord, but may it be a great blessing to you. I pray you find the Lord ever so real as He truly is.

God bless you,

Connie Hodson

Hearing LOVE with Connie Hodsonfrom Fort Madison IowaDecember 31 , 2008audio